"Texto" is a beginner level course, clearly set out which encourages active participation from the learner using scenarios from daily life to help students quickly learn to communicate in French.
Easy to use, each lesson consists of one double page spread based on numerous initial documents - written and oral texts and illustrations - for students to practice new vocabulary, comprehension and to produce their own sentences. Sections entitled "Faits et gestes" (in levels 1 and 2) allow students to study non-verbal communication and cultural attitudes. Culture pages containing authentic texts introduce aspects of French or Francophone society in conjunction with the documents. The DVD-Roms included with the students' books offer a huge range of multimedia resources - audio and video files plus an auto correct function. The teachers' guides are available on USB sticks and contain a copy of the coursebook and workbook, all the audio files from the students' books and test from the teachers' guide, interactive activities for use with an in interactive whiteboard and complete teachers guide.